TAstic: Simple similarity detection

Date:August 21, 2016


To the author’s knowledge, there are no free/libre plagiarism detection systems currently in use. TAstic provides a very simple and reasonably effective version of such a system (currently less than 300 lines of source code), under GPL and designed to be easy to extend and modify. It exists both as a Python library and a command-line tool, has no external dependencies other than a Python interpreter, and may easily be incorporated into other software.

Command-line usage

The simplest way to invoke TAstic is by simply providing it a list of files to compare for similarity:

tastic file1 file2 ...

The provided files should be plain-text; for details of the comparison performed, see below. If any pair of the provided files is found to have a similarity above a certain threshold, a report is printed to stdout. The threshold is adjustable via the -t flag; for example, to provide a report for each pair, run:

tastic -t 0 file1 file2 ...

By default the threshold is 25%. Again, for interpretation of the threshold see below.

tastic can also search a list of provided directories for a file with a given name using the -a option:

tastic -a filename dir1 dir2 ...

The above command will perform the same operation as

tastic dir1/filename dir2/filename ...

The argument to -a can be any Python-style regex; for example

tastic -a '(file)+name' dir1 dir2

will match dir1/filefilename and dir2/filename. Only the first match found in each directory will be used. If there are no matches in a particular directory, a warning will be issued over stderr, and that directory will be ignored.

Comparison algorithm

Similarity metric

The similarity between two documents is reported as a number between 0 and 1. That number is derived as if by the following algorithm:

  • Split each document into sequences of three words. For example, “The quick brown fox” would become “The quick brown”, “quick brown fox”.
  • Count the number of unique 3-sequences the documents have in common.
  • Divide that number by the total number of unique 3-sequences in both documents.

Determining the metric

A naive translation of the above algorithm would require \(O(k^²n)\) time for \(k\) documents of length \(n\); it would additionally require \(O(kn)\) space. This is unacceptably high for large \(k\) and \(n\); instead, we use the MinHash algorithm to get a good approximation of the metric in \(O(k^2+n)\) time and \(O(k)\) space.